Letter from the Director

Dear Endurance Member,

I hope you are having a wonderful summer and enjoying time with your family and loved ones.

We at Endurance have been busy and active all summer. We completed our 12-week Fit Family Triathlon Training Program in July 2011 with an amazing performance by our youth and their supportive families at Jenny’s Light Youth Triathlon. This was the first triathlon for all our participants and they did an excellent and awe-inspiring job. Even I was blown away by the commitment, dedication and focus of the youth and their families. Our staff also impressed me with their love, energy and expertise in training our families.

Please check out www.endurancecenter.org for stories, photos and even advice from the kids.

We are currently signing more kids and families up for our monthly triathlon clinics and parent teleseminars that begin in September 2011. This program is a great way for families to find fun and effective ways to improve their children’s health. Our space is limited so if you know of anyone interested

please direct him or her our way www.endurancecenter.org.

After the July triathlon we began training adults nationwide to run a half-marathon. We are about halfway into that training period. This group has also been amazing, fun and great to work with and we are looking forward to showing up for the events in great shape and with lots of knowledge and a love of running. Again check out our stories and photos on www.endurancecenter.org.

Thanks again for all your support and interest in our work.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and the beginning of the new school year and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Take care,

Cory  and the Endurance Team.

August 16, 2011

Cory Nyamora, Psy.D.
USA Triathlon Coach
USA Track & Field Coach

Cory Nyamora, Psy.D., Founder/Director

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and running and triathlon coach. I received my Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology (Alliant International University) in 2004. I held prior coaching certifications through USA Triathlon from 2008-2020 and USA Track and Field for several years.

I provide clinical psychotherapy services, trainings and workshops, consultation and supervision for psychology, social service and foster care agencies, as well as triathlon and running coaching. Please check out the links below to learn more about my therapy philosophy, areas of specialty and services.

I was born and raised in Kenya and immigrated to the U.S. in 1993. One of my passions is leading running trips to Kenya. I love the outdoors and especially enjoy spending time with my family as well as trail-running, swimming, cycling, racing and enjoying travel, music, art, food, culture and reading.

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