Create an Enlightened Relationship - A Couples Group Workshop

Unsatisfied with the current state of your relationship? 

Are you stuck in the same cycle of arguments and lost connection?  

Does every discussion with your partner end up following the same frustrating pattern?

We invite you to participate in four group meetings to learn about your relationship and break the drama cycleof unsatisfactory communication patterns with your partner.

Discover how to communicate better, forgive more easily and create a vision of what you want in a relationship.

Learn to cultivate a more conscious relationship through openness, honesty, and deliberation, and discover the secrets to long-term relationship success.  

No one wants to be unhappy in their relationship. Practicing effective communication skills will resolve many conflicts and misunderstandings, while taking your relationship to a higher level.  

What will you get out of attending this workshop?

  •   Understand the science of love and drama cycles and how to stop them

  •   Use communication strategies that actually work and create low-conflict, highly intimate conversations

  • Experience the power of forgiveness and learn effective strategies for letting go, being free, processing forgiveness, and making apologies

  •  Understand how to stop unhealthy patterns and reprogram limiting beliefs

  • Know how to speak the language of love so that both you and your partner feel loved and supported

  • Have tools and insights to create long term happiness in your relationship

If you’re tired of drama, conflict, and disappointment and ready for real love and a deep, fulfilling relationship, we welcome you to join us on the journey of CREATING AN ENLIGHTENED RELATIONSHIP!

 When: Saturday February 15th, 22nd, 29th and March 7th from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Where: Endurance Office – 759 Appian Way #2C, Pinole, CA. 94564

Facilitator: Olina Rule, LMFT – Olina is Licensed therapist who specializes in Couples Therapy with advanced training from The Couples Therapy Institute, Gottman Couples therapy training and Divorce Mediation.  You can read more at

Registration:  Email for more details and to sign up. We limit the number of couples so please contact us know to reserve your spot.

Richmond, California

Richmond, California

Cory Nyamora, Psy.D., Founder/Director

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and running and triathlon coach. I received my Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology (Alliant International University) in 2004. I held prior coaching certifications through USA Triathlon from 2008-2020 and USA Track and Field for several years.

I provide clinical psychotherapy services, trainings and workshops, consultation and supervision for psychology, social service and foster care agencies, as well as triathlon and running coaching. Please check out the links below to learn more about my therapy philosophy, areas of specialty and services.

I was born and raised in Kenya and immigrated to the U.S. in 1993. One of my passions is leading running trips to Kenya. I love the outdoors and especially enjoy spending time with my family as well as trail-running, swimming, cycling, racing and enjoying travel, music, art, food, culture and reading.

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On happiness, fun and freedom


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