Endurance attracts many at Mills College Health Fair

Dr. Nyamora (LEFT) listening to one of the many visitors at Endurance during the Mills College Health Fair

Dr. Nyamora (LEFT) listening to one of the many visitors at Endurance during the Mills College Health Fair

Endurance-A Sports and Psychology Center attracted a large number of visitors at Mills College Health Fair, in California, last week. Most of the visitors met Endurance Director Dr. Cory Nyamora and expressed interest in the half marathon training he is offering countrywide.

Dr. Nyamora, a USA Track & Field, and Triathlon Coach trained Endurance runners who were among the roughly 10,000 who competed at the San Jose Half Marathon on Sunday. The center also offers triathlon training for overweight children and their families.


Dr. Nyamora (RIGHT) attending to Endurance visitors at Mills College Health Fair. He has written to thank everyone who visited Endurance at the Mills College Health Fair. He also invited everyone to visit the Endurance Website to learn more about the work of the center.

View the following photographs of the event


Rhodes Race 2013