How to Improve Services to LGBTQI Clients from All Cultural Backgrounds

“Coming Around”
How to Improve Services to LGBTQI Clients from
All Cultural Backgrounds

Please join JFCS East Bay’s Prevention and Early Intervention Program for a panel presentation on providing culturally sensitive practices in serving clients identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, and intersex (LGBTQI). 

The presentation will include information on:

  • “Coming Out” vs. “Coming Around.”

  • The mental health impact of life stressors specific to LGBTQI refugees and immigrants.

  • Understanding liberty within different cultures and religious approaches.

  • Enhancing our self-awareness and tolerance by thinking about our personal biases as providers.


  • Cory Nyamora, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist who provides psychological services to LGBTI individuals. He has primarily worked with LGBTI people of color and immigrants of all ages and at all stages of identity formation.

  • Paul Asfour, M.A., is the organizer and facilitator of Gay Middle Eastern Men’s Group, a support group for gay men of Middle Eastern origin .

  • Rhina Ramos, M.Div, is the Director of California Programs at GSA Network. She is also an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ and the founding pastor of Ministerio Latino, a Spanish-speaking open and affirming Latino immigrant congregation in Oakland.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017
10am to 12pm
JFCS East Bay
1855 Olympic Blvd., Suite 200, Walnut Creek
(925) 927-2000

RSVP to Sohi Lachini, Psy.D., at
and inquire about parking

Cory Nyamora, Psy.D., Founder/Director

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and running and triathlon coach. I received my Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology (Alliant International University) in 2004. I held prior coaching certifications through USA Triathlon from 2008-2020 and USA Track and Field for several years.

I provide clinical psychotherapy services, trainings and workshops, consultation and supervision for psychology, social service and foster care agencies, as well as triathlon and running coaching. Please check out the links below to learn more about my therapy philosophy, areas of specialty and services.

I was born and raised in Kenya and immigrated to the U.S. in 1993. One of my passions is leading running trips to Kenya. I love the outdoors and especially enjoy spending time with my family as well as trail-running, swimming, cycling, racing and enjoying travel, music, art, food, culture and reading.

Welcome to our website!

Tips for therapists working with LGBTQ immigrants and people of color


Carb Phobia and Mental Health