Happy New Year!

As we kick off 2018, I’m excited about our continued partnership and work with you (our clients) and helping you reach your goals -  whether these involve improving physical and mental health, attaining new athletic heights, building more confidence, creating happier relationships, developing professional and business skills, enhancing communication, or recovering from past traumas. We are committed to this journey with you.

We are looking forward to our work in the therapy room and outdoors. We hope to kick off our new year of Fit Family Programs and expand our outdoor programs to include kayaking, hiking and rock-climbing activities. If you are interested in participating in any of these activities please let us know.

There is so much that is sacred about the work we do. All of us enjoy and value creating a space to pause, reflect, listen, talk, learn, witness, connect, strategize, and move forward. We value and feel honored to have your trust and truly feel blessed to see our work have a profound impact. We know that the connections and work we do with you, impacts the work you do in the rest of your lives and the people you touch and interact with.

I have a short story to share that reminds me of the value of making space for the deep sharing that comes in a therapeutic relationship.

During one of our www.runinkenya.com trips, in which we take runners and other travelers to Kenya, we were staying with an aunt who hosts our groups. Her nephew and his partner were having some problems in their relationship and needed to talk. My aunt and other elder relatives basically took the whole day off to sit and talk to the couple. They re-structured the day to make this work because it was a priority.  This experience reminds me that we need to make room for and prioritize each other. I’m lucky enough to have developed a work life where this can happen during most of my week. I hope that even if this is not your line of work, that you do take time to listen to, support and nurture your family, friends, and others in your community.  These small actions go a long way to promoting healthy, nurturing, happy communities

Cory Nyamora, Psy.D.

Dr. Cory Nyamora is an endurance sports coach with certifications from USAT and USATF, a licensed clinical psychologist, and the founder of Endurance – A Sports & Psychology Center, Inc. He provides endurance coaching for beginner and experienced athletes, as well as psychotherapy services to children, adults, and families.

Find out more at runinkenya.com and endurancecenter.org or call 510.981.1471.

Cory Nyamora, Psy.D., Founder/Director

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and running and triathlon coach. I received my Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology (Alliant International University) in 2004. I held prior coaching certifications through USA Triathlon from 2008-2020 and USA Track and Field for several years.

I provide clinical psychotherapy services, trainings and workshops, consultation and supervision for psychology, social service and foster care agencies, as well as triathlon and running coaching. Please check out the links below to learn more about my therapy philosophy, areas of specialty and services.

I was born and raised in Kenya and immigrated to the U.S. in 1993. One of my passions is leading running trips to Kenya. I love the outdoors and especially enjoy spending time with my family as well as trail-running, swimming, cycling, racing and enjoying travel, music, art, food, culture and reading.

Welcome to our website!


Using sports and athletics to heal from trauma


What happens if we put our best effort into the things we do?