Endurance-A Sports and Psychology Center

We help you live active healthy lives

Endurance – A Sports and Psychology Center, Inc. provides triathlon, running training and psychotherapy for children and families, as well as half-marathon, marathon training and psychotherapy for adults. We provide sports psychology services and mental skills training plans. We have a running tour program that takes runners to Kenya to experience the rich culture and running tradition there. We also have a busy welcoming psychotherapy clinic with several therapists providing services. Endurance has offices in Berkeley, Davis, Pinole and Sacramento, California We also provide telehealth services. Dr. Cory Nyamora, the founder and director is a licensed clinical and sports psychologist and endurance sports coach.




Our mission, as a health and wellness center, is to provide programs that help all our clients live active, engaged healthy lives. We provide opportunities for individuals to improve their psychological, social and physical health.

Kids Triathlons

Our clients have participated in several California triathlons, as well as multiple mountain bike trips, running trips and swimming events.

Fit Family System

Familiarize yourself with our website to learn more about our Fit Family System, as well as our other programs and packages. Join us to learn life changing health and wellness skills that your child and family can use to stay fit for the rest of your lives! We hope to see you soon.


Endurance Half Marathon program is great, especially for adults, who want to keep fit and healthy. The runners can also take advantage of our Run in Kenya program, which takes participants to Kenya, the home of long distance runners. Our runners have successfully competed at several runs including Oakland, San Jose Marathon, Santa Rosa Marathon and Safaricom Lewa Marathon, Kenya.

San Jose Half Marathon 2011


We also encourage professionals to contact us to learn more about our programs and to request trainings, seminars and workshops. We also provide consultation and supervision for psychology, social service and foster care agencies.



Learn and experience the practical skills for effective visualizations for optimal race performance.

Introduction to Triathlon

So you want to do a triathlon and don’t know where to begin? Join us for this four week triathlon class for beginners.


Attend this three-week clinic and learn how to increase your speed and running efficiency.

Becoming a runner

What do you need to become a runner? Basic information for those who want to begin running but feel slightly intimidated or confused.

Strength training for runners

Come and learn effective strength training that you can do at home, outside or at the track. Come ready to work out.

Mental skills training for endurance athletes

This class focuses on the mental skills needed to get the most out of your athletic endeavors and to compete successfully.

Swimming clinics and consultations

Set up a swimming consultation or clinic to address any problems you're having with your swimming or to get tips on speed and technique. You can set up a session for yourself, your family or group. Contact us for more information. 

Instructor/Coach: All classes are led by Dr. Cory Nyamora.

Get more information by emailing: admin@endurancecenter.org or calling Dr. Nyamora at 510-981-1471